How Early Can an Ultrasound Detect a Pregnancy?

Wondering how soon to get an ultrasound? It can vary based on your unique pregnancy details and your medical provider. Some ultrasounds can detect pregnancy as early as seven to eight weeks. Keep reading to learn more about how ultrasounds...Continued

What Can I Expect During My First Ultrasound?

An ultrasound is just as important as taking a pregnancy test and can alert you to possible pregnancy complications. Once you receive a positive pregnancy test, get an ultrasound at our center today to protect your health and get the...Continued

What Happens During a Medical Abortion?

A medical abortion, also called the abortion pill, involves taking two different abortion drugs that work to terminate an existing pregnancy. It comes with risks and side effects that you will want to be aware of beforehand. First, confirm how...Continued

How Long Does It Take for STD Symptoms to Appear?

Unfortunately, many STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) are asymptomatic, meaning they don’t have immediate symptoms. Without symptoms, people assume they don’t have a disease and put off getting tested. However, untreated STDs can cause serious health complications. Knowing the symptoms is...Continued

What Are the Treatment Options for STDs?

Contracting an STD can be a scary moment of realization. You are not alone. Receiving treatment is important to protecting your health. The most common treatment options for STDs include antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Treatment Options for STDs According to...Continued

Will My Insurance Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion?

What do you do if your girlfriend isn’t covered by your insurance for abortion? Abortion comes with high out-of-pocket costs, including costs like time off work and possible recovery needs. Typically, your insurance will not cover your girlfriend’s abortion unless...Continued

How Often Should You Get Tested for STDs?

Getting tested for STDs is an important safeguard to your health if you are sexually active with multiple partners. If you suspect anything, get tested to prevent further infection. How often you should get tested for STDs varies based on...Continued

Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

Are you considering online (or at-home) abortion as you face an unexpected pregnancy? First, get the facts. There are a couple of safety risks, like unregulated sources and quality, to consider before making a decision regarding online abortion. Lack of...Continued

What’s the Difference Between STI and STD?

STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) and STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) are a bit different. People often use STD and STI interchangeably, but testing aims to prevent and treat infections before they develop into diseases. An STI is a virus, bacteria, fungus,...Continued

Do I Have To Tell My Partner I Want an Abortion?

An unexpected pregnancy can be stressful, and navigating your relationship with your partner can add to that stress. You are not alone. If you’re hesitant about telling your partner that you want an abortion, here are some strategies you can...Continued