How Often Should You Get Tested for STDs?

Getting tested for STDs is an important safeguard to your health if you are sexually active with multiple partners. If you suspect anything, get tested to prevent further infection.

How often you should get tested for STDs varies based on your unique situation and age. The CDC shares that all sexually active individuals 13 to 64 years old should get tested at least once every year for HIV, and sexually active women younger than 25 years for gonorrhea and chlamydia every year.

What Are STDs?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are spread through sex or sexual activity by a person infected with an STD. They can pass by blood, semen, or vaginal and other bodily fluids. Common STDs include:

  • Chlamydia
  • HPV
  • Genital herpes
  • Gonorrhea
  • Hepatitis B
  • Trichomoniasis

Your risk of contracting an STD is even greater if you:

  • Have sex with someone who has had multiple partners
  • Have more than one sex partner
  • Share needles when injecting intravenous drugs

STD Testing While Pregnant

If you are pregnant and think you may have a chance of contracting STDs, don’t hesitate to get tested. STDs may seriously impact your pregnancy. Continuing with an abortion decision while having an undetected STD could cause infertility and a higher risk of HIV.

According to the CDC, women who are pregnant should be tested for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C and may need to be tested more than once. Women with high-risk pregnancies should be tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea early in pregnancy.

Free & Confidential STD Testing

Our team at Life Choices Family Resource Center offers no-cost STD testing for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

Schedule a free and confidential STD testing appointment to get the answers you need to move forward. You are not alone.

*Our center does not perform or refer for abortions*